One way to scrape and visualize Twitter Interactions is using Naoyun (, a small piece of software created by Matthieu Totet, and Gephi with the Streaming Graph plugin. A similar tool has, for example, been used to show the interactions during the Egyptian Revolution ( over time. I personally use it to scrape data and visualize live events using some keywords or usernames. For instance the video below that shows one hour of interactions searching for #TDF (Tour de France) last year. It is a great way to identify conversations and key players on a certain subject.
To install Naoyun you have to download it at and install Gephi that can be downloaded at: The video below shows how to connect both programs and start live streaming Twitter interactions. The data collected consists of username, media, hashtag, link and status. Exporting is possible at the Data Labory in Gephi.
If you are having problems with running the Naoyun batch file follow this link to activate java in cmd: (is about minecraft but applies)