Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Tools to scrape Instagram without any coding

Well I did the one list for Twitter a couple of days ago so this is a short list of tools you can use to extract data or pictures from Instagram. This one is a bit tricky. As of June 1 the API changed and some of the features may not work anymore. I quickly tried some of the tools I have laying around so I will probably add some more in the future.

odrive - Mac/Win/Lin - LINK
This used to be my go to tool when I needed photos with a certain hashtag, but now it is only possible to download the instgram pictures of your own and the once you liked. Still a nifty application as it can hook up loads of platforms to extract some data of it and can function as some kind of Dropbox.

4K Stogram - Mac/Win/Lin - LINK
Still works downloading Instagram photos with a certain hashtag or location (the last one did not work when I tried), but most importantly you do not have to log in to your own instagram account. Downloads all photos and videos to your pictures folder. There should be a handy way to also download the metadata, but have not dived too deep into this software.

Hotfolder Prints - Win - LINK
Hotfolders Prints comes with an Instagram Hashtag Monitor that takes some time (according to your settings) to download the photos with a certain hashtag. Most importantly the program also downloads the metadata of every picture into separate xml files. If you are handy with excel or other programs you can automatically import the data as a spreadsheet. The software is usable for a 15 day trial and is a bit pricy at 175 dollar.

Still have some other tools, but need to test them with the changed API, but the tools described can give you a start on scraping Instagram data/photos. 

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